Business Insider Singapore approached Sweet to develop a campaign to drive traffic. Using a visual-led and upside-down approach, a series of ads was created with the aim to brand Business Insider Singapore as the news site that presents the other sides of business, with its strengths in being one of the firsts to offer uniquely angled stories and updates in lifestyle.
Icons were sleekly illustrated to show two perspectives – both business and pleasure. By asking audience to turn the page upside down to view the other sides of business, we grabbed their attention and engaged them to see things in a different light. The visuals include: pen nib and volcanic peak, golf hole and musical note, overhead light and cocktail glass, money bag and hot-air balloon, as well as business tie and lava lamp.
CREDITS: Concept & Art Director – Ahmad Sadali Ramli • Concept & Copywriter – Caroline Chew • Video – Tammy Huang