
SPH Digital covers a suite of online platforms including the online and mobile editions of flagship newspapers such as The Straits Times, The Business Times, Lianhe Zaobao and Berita Harian. It also carries online portals such as AsiaOne, STOMP and STProperty. During its inception, CreativeLab was tasked to create its branding and applications, which include brand guides, stationery, ads and below-the-line collateral.

The letter ‘D’ of the logomark is made up of 4 triangles (or 4Ds) which represents core values: Dynamism, Development, Distinction and Diversity. It signifies the seamless integration of multiple digital platforms and reflects forward thinking, constant motion and the spirit of taking flight towards new avenues. Shades of blue was chosen for its reflection of positive ideals which depicts connection and communication. Consisting of both sharp and curved lines, the modern type mirrors the company’s flexibility in evolving with the times.



CREDITS: Creative Director – Tommy Lim • Concept & Art Director – Ahmad Sadali • Copywriter – Caroline Chew


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